Local Home Builders Association Reaches Out to NRMCA

"The message left on my voice mail was not typical," said NRMCA Senior Director, National Resources Jon Hansen. "As I listened, I appreciated the fact that this executive director of a local National Association of Home Builders chapter in Washington called the concrete industry for the correct information."

"We are looking for general guidelines for jointing of concrete floors, driveways and sidewalks. A community next to us requires it one way, while another community requires it another way. We want to help guide the local specifications based on concrete industry standards. Can you help," the message asked.

"Being a member of the ‘Life Spike’ club with the National Association of Home Builders (NAHB), I am aware of the trials that local HBA’s have dealing with concrete issues since concrete contractors often find it hard to find a ‘fit’ within these groups," Hansen explained. "This call brought to my attention the importance for local concrete producers, concrete contractors and concrete association members involvement with home builder groups. As home building begins to ramp back up, we need to be at the table as a resource."

For more information, contact Jon Hansen at jhansen@nrmca.org.

National Ready Mixed Concrete Association