NRMCA Joins CJSI, IBHS to Emphasize Disaster Resilient Construction at Local Level

NRMCA, in partnership with the Concrete Joint Sustainability Initiative (CJSI) and the Insurance Institute for Business and Home Safety (IBHS), completed the nine Adopting Disaster Resilient Construction at the Local Level Workshop series last week in Orlando, FL.

The purpose of the workshops was to educate decision makers at the local level on the importance of disaster resilient construction to enhance community continuity in the face of natural disasters such as hurricanes, tornadoes, fires, earthquakes and floods. Topics covered during the seminar include local disaster risk assessment and mitigation, resilient construction methods, FORTIFIED design and construction programs, building code requirements, safe rooms and storm shelters, flood resistant construction and fire resistance.

The focus now shifts to Identifying localities with individuals who will promote disaster risk reduction and the adoption of code-plus measures in their communities. From this short list, NRMCA and CJSI affiliates will provide support, tools, resources and recognition. Local affiliates will be asked to identify key stakeholders, add capacity and promote disaster resilience through established relationship with target audience. 

NRMCA will update the Web site as a resource for interested parties and local advocates. Contact NRMCA’s Tien Peng at 206-913-8535 or for more information.

National Ready Mixed Concrete Association