GIS Data Templates Available for Public Review

NENA's GIS Template Working Group is pleased to announce the availability of its DRAFT GIS data templates for public review and consideration. The GIS templates are a direct interpretation of the NG9-1-1 GIS Data Model.

The primary purpose of the GIS data templates is as a common data structure for data exchange between agencies or their vendors. Before the GIS Template Working Group publishes its final deliverables, it is interested in hearing from any agency willing to extract, transform, or load (ETL) their GIS data into one of these templates. The working group is particularly interested in hearing about any complications, challenges, limitations or other problems associated with the ETL process.

There are four files provided as part of this public review period and are combined into this zip file. First, two scripts the GIS Template Working Group used to create the GIS data templates are being provided (i.e. .sql & .py). While the scripts are not, technically speaking, the official deliverables of the working group, the working group felt it was important to be open about how the GIS template deliverables were created. Second, two GIS data template structures are being provided. One data template structure is provided as a Esri File Geodatabase which the user will need to first extract. The other data template structure is provided as a PostgreSQL database dump file.

The GIS Template Working Group would appreciate your review by Friday, September 13. Contact Jason Horning with any questions or comments.

National Emergency Number Association