Free Webinar on the Proposed Updates to NENA's Bylaws

Proposed Update of the NENA Bylaws: Overview & Discussion
Wednesday, June 1 | 3 p.m. Eastern (live) or On-Demand
Free! Click here to register!

The future of NENA belongs to its members! Join us for this important webinar as we walk you through a proposed replacement for NENA’s current bylaws.

This proposal was adopted unanimously by the Executive Board, and reported favorably to the membership by a unanimous Bylaws Committee. However, because the Annual Membership Meeting is short and the proposed changes are substantial, the Board asked that additional time for member questions and discussion be allotted during this webinar.

The proposed new Bylaws draw most of their text from the current version. However, they have been significantly revised to improve their organization and clarity, and to remove provisions that are no longer relevant. For example, the proposal clarifies the process of succession when a vacancy occurs among the officers. The proposal also removes provisions related to mail balloting for NENA elections, since no requests for a mail ballot have been received in several years. Furthermore, the proposal consolidates provisions relating to duties and powers of the Board of Directors into a single section, to simplify operations. These are just a few of the important changes members can discuss during this webinar.

Current NENA members are invited to review the bylaws in advance of the webinar, and to offer questions and discussion during this event.

Can't attend on the 1st?
Register now and you will receive an email after the live presentation with instructions for accessing the on-demand webinar archive.

Webinar Access Info
Dial-in and web-access details will be provided to attendees upon registration.

National Emergency Number Association