Free Sponsored Webinar on RapidSOS's New Mobile App

What PSAPs Need to Know for the Upcoming Launch of the RapidSOS One-Touch-911 Mobile App
Sponsored by RapidSOS
Thursday, December 3 | 1PM Eastern (live) or On-Demand
Free! Click here to register!

RapidSOS is an emergency technology start-up with the mission of bringing more accurate and richer data from mobile devices to the PSAP. They’ve spent the past several years working closely with the 9-1-1 community to develop the ability to push precise location and more through existing systems (e.g., ANI/ALI), without any cost or additional equipment at PSAPs. Over the last four months they’ve conducted test calls across all 50 states, and are preparing to launch in early 2016. They are partnering with some of Silicon Valley’s most famous technology firms to drive broad adoption in 2016.

During this webinar, the RapidSOS team will discuss their upcoming consumer launch, give an overview on how calls from the application will flow into your PSAP, and answer questions that were raised through an extensive PSAP testing program over the last few months. Presenters will also provide details on how you can sign up for additional testing at your PSAP and get early access to the mobile application.

Can't attend on the 3rd? Register now and you will have access to the on-demand webinar archive via the registration landing page.

Webinar Access Info
Dial-in and web-access details will be provided to attendees via email automatically upon registration.

National Emergency Number Association