NENA Seeks Participants for Spring 2016 Next Generation 9-1-1 Test Event

NENA’s Next Generation 9-1-1 Industry Collaboration Event (ICE) series provides the opportunity for 9-1-1 equipment and service providers to come together to test products and services in an open, supportive, and collaborative environment. You are invited to participate in the upcoming  ICE 7, which will focus on the testing of smartphone applications for 9-1-1; usage scenarios for the Emergency Incident Data Document (EIDD); and the transfer of additional caller data beyond callback number, location information, and GIS/mapping.

NENA invites all interested vendors and entities that have a stake in improving 9-1-1 and emergency services access to participate in ICE 7. Application developers, CAD/RMS vendors, and the entire NG9-1-1 vendor community should consider participating in this event and in the activities of the ICE 7 planning committee, which will be convened in the near future.

If you would like to participate in ICE 7, please contact Delaine Arnold by 10/12/2015. The ICE team would like to hold its first kick-off meeting on 10/22/2015 at noon ET for an anticipated spring 2016 event.

Click here for more information.

National Emergency Number Association