NG9-1-1 Data Management Requirements Document Available for Review & Comment

NENA Next Generation 9-1-1 Data Management Requirements, NENA-REQ-002.1-201X (DRAFT) is available for Public Review and Comment. This document defines requirements for discrepancy and performance reports associated with processes within the Next Generation 9-1-1 (NG9-1-1) system. The intent of the document is to provide 9-1-1 authorities, vendors, Communication Service Providers (CSP), and other interested parties with guidelines for communicating issues or status of various elements within the system.

Comments may be submitted by April 3 at 5PM Eastern by clicking here and then selecting "add a comment" just above the title "Document Details." Please complete all requested data and "Save," or, if submitting multiple comments, select "Save and Add Another."

Contact the NENA Committee Resource Manager with any questions or concerns.

National Emergency Number Association