NENA Statement on FCC Commissioner Pai MLTS Event

On behalf of thousands of 9-1-1 professionals across the nation, NENA commends FCC Commissioner Ajit Pai for his leadership on the issue of reaching 9-1-1 emergency services via multi-line telephone systems (MLTS), such as those used in hotels and office buildings. Commissioner Pai held an event in Texas to discuss the progress that has been made on this issue since the tragic death of Kari Rene Hunt Dunn, who was killed nearly one year ago by her estranged husband while her daughter tried and failed to reach 9-1-1 from their hotel room in Marshall, Texas.

NENA is pleased by the progress that is being made on this issue, and we stand with Commissioner Pai in calling for further action. In this high-tech era, it is unfortunate that such a high percentage of MLTS still require users to dial an extra digit before 9-1-1 to reach an emergency professional.

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National Emergency Number Association