NENA Member Spotlight: Patricia Bligen Jones, ENP

This special feature highlights individual NENA Members from various backgrounds, industry segments, experience and geographic locations. It offers members an opportunity to share their story with their colleagues and the greater NENA community. Click here to email NENA Member Services Director Bri Robinson if we should feature you or someone you know.

Tell us a little bit about who you are, where you’re from, what you do, and your history with NENA....

Patricia Bligen Jones: Patricia Bligen Jones, born in Charleston, S.C., and raised on Edisto Island, S.C.. I began my career in public safety communications in 1999, beginning with the Charleston County Sheriff’s Office as a frontline dispatcher and certified communications training officer. I have been married for nearly 23 years, and my husband and I have two children, Avery, 18, and Peyton, 12. I became a member of NENA in 2011, after becoming an ENP.

NENA: Why did you choose a career in public safety?

PBJ: I chose a career in public safety because I have a genuine desire to help people in need. When I began my career 15 years ago, I started as a frontline law dispatcher, became a trainer, then training supervisor, and now Terminal Agency Coordinator. It gives me great joy to assist people, no matter what circumstances or situations they are facing. 

Click here to read Patricia's full profile...

National Emergency Number Association