NENA Announces Webinar on Managing High Volume & High Stress Days for August 27

Managing Those Crazy Days
Wednesday, August 27 | 4 p.m. Eastern (live) or On-Demand
$50 for NENA Members | $85 for Non-Members
Click here to register!

This webinar provides centers large and small with the resources needed to overcome those truly challenging days. Through a review of operational tactics and resource management; a list of issues to discuss with your fire, police, and EMS partners; training tips; and expert insights from those who have been there, you'll come away prepared to help your agency successfully handle the busy days ... no matter how busy they really are.

Can't attend on the 27th? Register now and you will receive an email after the live presentation with instructions for accessing the on-demand webinar archive.

Webinar Access Info
Dial-in and web-access details will be provided to attendees via email the week of the webinar.

National Emergency Number Association