Full NENA 2014 Session Details Now Available!

Click here to view descriptions of the 90 hours of Education & Training Sessions at NENA 2014!  Featuring respected national leaders in the public safety, technology, and policy arenas, each breakout brings attendees together with experts to learn about and discuss the issues affecting you on a daily basis. 

And don’t forget: Every full-conference registration includes unlimited online, on-demand access to more than 90 hours of audio recordings and synchronized slide presentations from every education session at NENA 2014!

Click here to register for NENA 2014 online or here to download a paper form. Visit the NENA 2014 webpage for full conference details!

Please note: If you submitted to present at NENA 2014, you were sent a notification regarding your submission status on March 28. We have had reports from some that this message may have been marked as spam. Click here to email us if you need to to inquire about your session proposal.

National Emergency Number Association