NENA Member Spotlight: Chris Knights, Regional Sales Consultant, GeoComm

This new special feature will highlight individual NENA Members from various backgrounds, industry segments, experience, and geographic locations. It offers members an opportunity to share their story with their colleagues and the greater NENA community. Click here to email NENA Member Services Director Bri Robinson if we should feature you or someone you know.

NENA: Why did you choose a career in public safety?

Chris Knights: Well, it’s funny how life goes sometimes. I think it was more like "public safety" chose me. I started out in the GIS field after college and then shifted to IT sales. Then I was fortunate to find my niche in public safety by serving in a sales capacity for a small handful of very reputable public safety technology companies that all blended well with my growing experience in wireless, telephony, and GIS systems.

NENA: What do you like best about your job?

CK: I love the people that are in our industry and the fact that I can help consult with agencies about improving their technology to better serve the public. It is very rewarding to see the finished product installed in PSAPs that is used every single day to help locate distressed callers and those seeking assistance from 9-1-1. To be able to supply accurate map data and software gives the call takers, dispatchers, and emergency managers the confidence that they WILL be able to find a caller quickly. Providing these life-saving tools gives me satisfaction that we are ultimately helping to save lives. How many other people can say that? Not many.

Click here to read more from Chris's interview...

National Emergency Number Association