NENA Seeks Applications to Fill Vacant Western Region Director Position

As of June 20, 2013, Chip Yarborough has resigned his position on the NENA Executive Board. President Bernard Brown accepted Yarborough's resignation, and expressed thanks on behalf of the organziation for Yarborough's service to NENA. 
To fill the vacant Western Region Director position, which will be up for election in 2014, NENA is seeking applications from eligible candidates (current members in good standing who are also Emergency Number Professionals [ENPs] and reside in the Western region).
To apply, please submit a Nomination Form and a letter of interest/personal statement to NENA President Brown by July 15, 2013. Also, be sure to review the Executive Board Statement of Responsibilities before applying.
The new Western Region Director will be announced on or before July 25, 2013.

National Emergency Number Association