NENA 2013: Your Destination for In-Depth Training & Professional Development

In addition to NENA 2013’s 90 hours of breakout sessions, Pre-Con Courses offer a great opportunity to gain take-home skills and hear about the latest issues... all while receiving credits towards ENP certification and re-certification. Space is limited, so be sure to add a Pre-Con Course to your registration while seats are still available!

Two-Day Courses:


One-Day Courses:


No matter what your role is in public safety, no other conference can offer you the quality or quantity of growth and development opportunities available at NENA 2013. In addition to our Pre-Con courses, NENA 2013 features a world-class Expo Hall, renowned keynote speakers, unparalleled opportunities to network and connect with your peers, and dozens of education sessions designed to enrich you personally as well as professionally.

NENA 2013 is the must-attend event of the year for today's emergency communications professional. Don't miss your chance to be a part of it!

Register online (or download a printable form) and make your hotel reservations today! Bookmark for the latest conference news and updates!

National Emergency Number Association