Free Online "Breakfast Briefing": What the Telecom Industry Should Know About NG9-1-1

Presented at the USTelecom Executive Conference Center, Washington, DC and Online
Thursday, December 13, 2012 | 9:00AM to 10:30AM Eastern (Check-in at 8:30AM)

It is no surprise that data communication is swamping telecom networks. Consumers are generating growing amounts of data on their own through texting, emailing, and social networking, and rely less and less on their phones for talking. Yet the current 9-1-1 system was built on the basis of voice communications (call 9-1-1 if you have an emergency). While voice remains the best choice for a 9-1-1 call, most consumers should be provided the option to text or email when they are experiencing an emergency. When needed, texting or emailing is far more discreet and can be done almost silently for those who find themselves in situations where speaking could prove harmful to their own safety. For some consumers, texting is their primary or only option to communicate. So, what are the 9-1-1 experts doing about texting, emailing and the next generation of emergency communications?

There is no fee to register, but you must register in advance. The event will be archived for on-demand playback.

Learn more and register!

National Emergency Number Association