9-1-1 Goes to Washington is Next Week! NENA Member One-Day Special...

Don't miss out on this opportunity to attend the only public safety conference where you can discuss the needs of the 9-1-1 community with your appointed and elected officials and gain the knowledge and resources necessary to become a more effective leader in our shared mission to make public safety a priority in Washington, D.C. and in all fifty states and the U.S. Territories.
When you join NENA for this one-of-a-kind conference from March 26-29, you will:
Register today or visit the 9-1-1 Goes to Washington Web page for additional event information.

In order to enable as many NENA Members as possible to participate in 9-1-1 Goes to Washington, we want to offer you the opportunity to register at a special reduced rate*. Now you may opt to attend just Tuesday's (3/27) activities if your schedule does not allow you to participate in the full conference. Also available is the opportunity to register for Monday's (3/26) Pre-Conference Course, Liability Issues in the 9-1-1 Center. This can be done independent of, or in conjunction with, 911GTW registration.
If you would like to take advantage of this special offer, you must complete this registration form.

*This promotion does not include admission to the Welcome Reception or the 9-1-1 Honors Awards Gala.

National Emergency Number Association