The NENA Development Conference is Only Two Weeks Away!

The NENA Development Conference is an event like no other. It serves a hotbed for new ideas -- a place where you can meet with your peers and experts from other fields to build partnerships and initiate forward-thinking projects that will help define emergency communications' path forward in 2012 and beyond.

Those who have been there before will tell you that this isn't a conference where attendees sit back and listen; at the NDC, breakout rooms are a venue for collaboration and discovery. Participants leave energized, motivated, and brimming with new ideas. Fueled by what they have accomplished, they return home eager to continue the important work begun at the event.

Visit the NENA Development Conference sessions page for detailed descriptions of the breakouts planned for the event. With sessions dividend into six categories (GIS & Data; PSAP HR & Training; Interoperability; New Devices, Sensors, & Call Centers; NG9-1-1 Management; and Social Media), attendees will work alongside their public safety peers on the issues important to them and help shape the future of emergency communications.
Make your plans to join us in Orlando from February 5-8 by registering today! More information is available on the NDC homepage.

National Emergency Number Association