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Archives | | June 27, 2014
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Stable Form Notice: NENA Registry System Standard

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Having adjudicated all comments, the subject document is now considered "stable." Per NENA IPR, Section 4.2.2 a "Stable Form Notice" is being issued and is shown at the bottom of this message.

4.4.2 Disclosure During Review Period
When any Deliverable is in stable form, but before it undergoes review by the NENA Process Review Committee the Committee Resource Manager shall send a Stable Form Notice to all NENA Development Group participants giving notice of a deadline, at least sixty (60) days from the date of the announcement, by which all Patent Holders with respect to the Deliverable must submit a completed copy of the Licensing Declaration Form in Annex B to the Committee Resource Manager. All Stable Form Notices shall also be posted to the Committee Management Website.

Once the 60 days have passed, the document will go to the Process Review Committee for approval.

Stable Form Notice

The NENA Intellectual Property Rights ("IPR") Policy, available here, requires Participants in NENA Committees to disclose certain Patent IPRs during the process of developing a Deliverable such as a Technical or Operations Standard Document (i.e., any Standard). After receiving this notice, all Patent Holders have 60 days in which to submit a Licensing Declaration Form.

The Deliverable listed below has reached stable form and will be submitted to the NENA Process Review Committee in 60 days. Any and all Participants who hold Patent IPRs which may be implicated by the Normative Requirements of this Deliverable must submit a Licensing Declaration Form to the Committee Resource Manager within that time.

Deliverable Information
Title: NENA Registry System (NRS) Standard
Document Number: NENA-STA-008.1 (formerly 70-001) (DRAFT)
Date of Notice: June 25, 2014
Submission Deadline: August 25, 2014

NENA Intellectual Property Rights Policy – Annex C – Stable Form Notice  

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