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Archives | www.nena.org | October 16, 2013
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NENA Releases Information Document for Handling Text Message Calls to 9-1-1

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The NENA Information Document for Handling Text-to-9-1-1 in the PSAP is intended to provide a guideline for PSAPs with recommendations for emergency calling to 9-1-1 using text messaging.

As the ever-changing evolution of technology is advancing, it introduces numerous challenges in processing the new means of communication for emergency services. The nation’s telecommunicators have done an excellent job in processing verbal 9-1-1 calls for service. Non-verbal communications will establish additional challenges to overcome when it comes to processing additional data. With that comes unique challenges in the validity of the 9-1-1 call along with the proper format in processing the data stream. This document will address those issues and offer proper guidelines in processing 9-1-1 calls for service. 

Click here to learn more and download the document.

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