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From the TECHByte Sessions: 5 Best Techniques for Career-Driven Individuals

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By Sheryl S. Jackson

Whether someone is looking for their first job or looking for the next job in a career, Tara Thomas, tech marketing strategist, co-founder and chief marketing officer at The Meeting Pool, offers five techniques to keep people moving forward in their journey.

  1. Tailor your approach. Make sure your cover letter reflects the specific position and company you are contacting. 
  2. It is all about the numbers. Whether you’re tailoring your cover letter or updating your résumé, be sure to focus on results – not job titles.
  3. Use your network. Be an active networker of those you follow and admire, but be discriminating when allowing people to link to you in forums such as LinkedIn.
  4. Keep an eye out. Look for companies that are actively discussing increasing workforce diversity.
  5. Don’t be shy. Ask for informational interviews when you discover someone in your network who is in the role to which you aspire. Just 20 minutes over coffee and you can learn how they reached that position and help you evaluate what steps you need to take next.

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