Go One-on-One!
The 18th Americas Food and Beverage Show & Conference is the place to meet international buyers.

Act now to enjoy face-to-face, one-on-one appointments with pre-qualified buyers!

Buyers from the Carribean, South America, Central America and Canada will all converge at the Americas Food and Beverage Show seeking products that they can import from producers like you.

For just $75 you can receive up to 20 pre-scheduled meetings in advance of the show. Your participation also includes lunch for two!

This is the best way to network and make connections with the distributers, wholesalers, restaurants, manufacturers and retailers who have decision-making authority and are looking for products like yours.

Some popular products from last year’s show include:

Get your booth now so you can schedule buyer meetings ahead of time and take advantage of the Export Coaching Program at no additional cost!

Contact Janet Williams at 703-259-6120 today!


Buyers want the best food products the U.S. has to offer, and they plan to spend big.

Space Application button

Reserve your
preferred booth
by contacting
Janet Williams
at 703-259-6120 or

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