LonMark Ambassadors' Corner: Activities in China

LonMark International also hosted a dinner meeting to discuss the future of LonMark in China. Present were Rongwen, Echelon, CLEC, AnHui Joyo Electronics Co, Jiangsu Zhongzhao Electrical Co., Proview, Tomwell, Protectwell, Vstar Communiction Control Technique, Jiangsu Lianhong Automation, TelChina Corp., Wuxi LeadSolar Energy, Shenzhen,  Sichuan Huati Lighting Industry and Hocenlight Technology. Others members were present at the show and contributed to the interoperable streetlighting demonstration but could not attend the dinner including CELC and Streetlight Vision. Several companies are new to LonMark and will join the organization based upon the successful outcome of this meeting. The meeting focused on three key topics:


-Formal formation of a LonMark China Affiliate organization under LonMark International

-Creation of the LonMark China Marketing Committee

-Creation of the LonMark China Technical Committee


All three of these activities are proceeding in parallel. The formation of the two committees was agreed upon by those present. Key activities discussed include:



-Development of standards for street lighting based upon the LonMark Outdoor Luminaire Controller Profile

-Development of a testing and certification program for China

-Translation of key technical documents for the China market

-Evaluation of the need for local certification support for vendors in China



-Investigate trade shows and events to jointly participate in

-Investigate a seminar program as an outreach to users and owners of smart street lighting systems

-Develop a fact sheet highlighting the China Street lighting market, the players, and value proposition

-Develop case studies and success stories of both China projects and US/European projects


The members agreed to nominate LonMark Ambassador Eric Sun to coordinate activities of the committees until such time as a chairman can be elected. Mr. Sun has agreed to be the point person for these activities and will work hand-in-hand with LonMark International.

LonMark® International