Technical Update

The Lighting TG is working on another Outdoor Lighting Controller; this time, a mini-version designed to fit into a memory-limited device and be peer-to-peer capable. It’s not a replacement for the recently published OLC but rather, a complement to it. Utility TG is working on Smart Energy Profile 2.0 (SEP2) -ready Meter profiles and preparing to do mappings for OpenADR (based on OASIS standards) and the ASHRAE/NEMA SPC201P’s Facility Smart Grid Information Model (FSGIM). On hold and ready to integrate into the models are the Wind and Solar generators. The Automated Food-Service TG has just completed voting on a beverage-equipment profile and will now be looking to what’s next to profile. The BAS TG is meeting virtually this week to discuss the creation of several new HVAC profiles for the oil-and-gas industry (See Calendar of Events on the website for details). The Services TG will begin work on an Operator Workstation profile and consider the order in which to handle Alarming, Trending, and Overrides. Contact to learn more about how you can participate in these efforts. - LonMark Technical Staff

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