Kentucky’s ASHE Energy to Care Award Winners

Congratulations to Kentucky’s 2018 ASHE Energy to Care Award Winners, Methodist Hospital  in Henderson and Owensboro Health Regional Hospital in Owensboro. Only 68 facilities across the country received this recognition for 2018. The Energy to Care award honors facilities that reduce energy consumption by 10% in a single year, or by 15% over two years.

Methodist Hospital has performed HVAC renovations on three floors and four hospital wings, replacing outdated equipment and performing other maintenance to reduce energy consumption. They continue to work with their energy partner, Harshaw Trane, to meet future energy goals.

Owensboro Health also worked with Harshaw Trane to enact controls optimization programs.  They use wireless communication technology to add flexibility and increase data analytics capabilities, allowing them to continuously find ways to improve their energy efficiency.

It should be mentioned that both hospitals have facilities’ staff that are dedicated to creating efficient environments to optimize patient care. Owensboro Health Regional Hospital and Methodist Hospital are very well-deserving of this recognition for their work towards sustainability and energy efficiency.