Resolutions, Goals, Successes! by Michelle Lizak, CMP, KCMPI President

Dear Members and Friends,

It occurred to me when I sat down the write this issue's Letter from the President that this fiscal year is quickly coming to an end. 

In January, much like many others out there, I laid out a list of New Year's resolutions that I wanted to accomplish in 2010. In similar fashion, when I took office as your President in July, I had a similar list of goals that I wanted to see our chapter accomplish.

In previous issues I have listed many of the amazing successes that our chapter has seen over the past 10 months. What I have not done publically is thank our board members, chairs, committees and individual volunteers for all their hard work and dedication that made these successes possible for our chapter.

This organization could not succeed with out the passion and drive of its volunteers. When I sit here and think about the dozens of dedicated members that we have, I am humbled by your continued and unwavering support of our chapter.

I know that I cannot list every volunteer by name, to do so would make this a VERY long Letter from the President. However, I can make everyone aware of the countless man hours that have been put in by members of this organization to help keep things running smoothly each day. Below is just a glimpse of what our volunteers have accomplished:

This list above doesn't even scratch the surface, but it gives you an idea of the dedication of our volunteers. I want to take this time to say a giant THANK YOU to each and every chapter volunteer. I am truly blessed to have had such stellar group behind me for this past year. I look forward to continuing to work with each of you in the future. KUDOS to each of you for all your accomplishments!

Warmest Regards,

Michelle Lizak, CMP