KCMPI After Five Reception and Auction.

This fun and fabulous event will take place on Tuesday, March 2, from 5-7 p.m. at the newly renovated Overland Park Marriott.  You will enjoy the surroundings of its hip and contemporary Epicure Restaurant, networking with your hospitality peers, and the opportunity to walk away with some fantastic items. 

The silent auction will not only benefit your KCMPI Chapter, but part of the proceeds also will be donated to Cancer Action of Kansas City, an organization that supports education, empowerment, hope and comfort to those touched by cancer.  Since many of us have been touched by cancer -- either personally, through friends, family and/or colleagues -- we felt we could do our little share to help.  Please join us in supporting this worthwhile cause.

We invite you to bring a friend and spread the word.  Space will be limited, so please plan to RSVP early!