Corporate Social Responsibility

Sometimes we need it "short and sweet!" So when you want a one-minute update on eco-friendly trends, companies and news, go to  There, you can access a one-minute video of today's freshest news on CSR, Green and other eco-friendly topics. A fun thing to do when you have "one minute" to learn. Think and learn to recycle, reuse and revamp your actions!

Phil Allemang, CAS
Promotion & Event Advisor
CAM, Inc.
9221 Flint • Overland Park, KS 66214
913-381-4139 • 800-255-0090, ext. 132
Cell:  816-392-4246 • Fax: 913-381-7139
2008-10 KCMPI Board Member
2007-08 KCMPI Supplier of the Year
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