Million Tons of Trash Challenge

By Michelle Lizak, CMP


The Green Meeting Industry Council (GMIC), an association dedicated to sustainability for meetings and events, has issued a challenge to the industry: Divert, recycle, or compost a million tons of trash between Earth Day, April 22, and the end of 2009.


This challenge was issued during the GMIC's Greening the Hospitality Industry 2009 Conference in Pittsburg. This conference drew nearly 200 green meetings enthusiasts.


The challenge is intended as "a fun, competitive way to inspire meetings, festivals, and other live events to measure and reduce the waste they produce, cut their carbon emissions, and save money along the way," said Amy Spatrisano, CMP, GMIC Board President and president of Meeting Strategies Worldwide.


How do I participate?

Meeting planners, venues and hotels are invited to measure the waste they recycle or compost and enter the total weight in an online system. Those participants with the best recycling and waste diversion rates will be recognized and the results will serve as a best practices guide for the entire industry.


What companies participating in this challenge?

The Million Tons of Trash Challenge is supported by GMIC members in a wide variety of global corporations and associations, including MCI Group, Meeting Strategies Worldwide, American Express Travel, Oracle Corporation. (



What are some of their goals for reduction?

A great example is Oracle Corporation. Their goal is to run the 2009 Oracle OpenWorld, the world's largest conference for business software, as a completely sustainable event. Their goal is to reduce or divert 100 tons of waste in 2009. In 2008, they were able to divert 67 tons of waste at this same event. (



How much waste is typically produced?

The average meeting produces 20 pounds of waste per person per day. (


The GMIC is thrilled at the response to this challenge. It is a great way to leverage the collective power of the meetings industry to highlight the environmental, economic and human benefits of better waste management.


To join or sponsor the Trash Challenge, visit or


Click here to learn more about the Green Meetings Industry Council (GMIC).


(Michelle is a Marketing and Corporate Events Manager for US Central and is KCMPI's 2009-2010 President. She can be reached at