Leading in Today's Economy

by Karen Peña



    My husband and I recently went to visit our financial counselor. We took two boxes of tissue with us: one for us and one for him.


    I think I felt sorrier for him than us. His office is on the first floor of a building with a huge window facing the parking lot. I don't want to jump to conclusions, but he was having the window replaced with bullet proof glass.


    I used to tell my audiences that we act like we are the most stressed out society on earth and asked how many wish they had invested years ago in Prozac, Paxil and Zoloft. Now I'm afraid to bring it up for fear some might be selling it!


    Some people think it's the Republicans fault, some think it's the Democrats. Some think it's the media, religion, global warming and I would venture that some even think it's the Tooth Fairy's fault. She's gotten really greedy over the last few years. I know this because I have a 6-year-old granddaughter!


    Regardless of what you think caused it, the fact is, it is here and it is going to be around a while. We just have to deal with it. 


    Although we are all in for a long haul, there are certainly things that your organization can do to survive and even succeed during this downturn. We all know that the success of a business lies flatly on the shoulders of the employees. Now you are leading your team in a whole new world, which means that you have to have a whole new game plan. So here are a few tips for keeping your team engaged, focused and motivated:



    1. Re-Define / Re-Direct / Re-Invent – Now more than ever organizations must take a step back and review organizational goals and "best practices." This is a GREAT time to do another SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats) analysis.  Times may look drab, but believe me, there ARE opportunities and now is the time to focus on them. Those who take this opportunity to re-invent will be far ahead when the tide turns. 
    2. Don't be an Ostrich – The worst thing you can do is bury your head in the sand.  Your team needs to know that you understand the seriousness of the situation at hand. If you try to play it off, you will only alienate them.  
    3. Acknowledge Concerns – Everyone touts an "open door" policy, but during tumultuous times it is critical to allow your players to vent, acknowledge their concerns, and assure them that your organization is being pro-active.
    4. Champion Your Organization – If your employees do not feel that you support the decisions of your organization, why should they?
    5. Cut the Clutter – During lucrative times organizations tend to find time to add steps to systems, policies, procedures, etc. With team members taking on more and more, it is imperative that these steps are re-evaluated and simplified.  
    6.  Streamline Communication – Be sure your team understands how to manage their email in-box, Internet, Blackberry and cell phones. Technology is a great tool, but can become a big black hole that becomes too time-consuming.  
    7. Feed Them – Just because they cannot advance, does not mean they cannot grow.   In times of cutbacks and wage freezes employees can find fulfillment through other enrichment opportunities such as education, industry association involvement, internal cross-training, etc. Evaluate the individual's strengths and build on those talents.
    8. Don't Commit Assume-a-side – Never assume your team has what they need to succeed. Right now it is important to consistently re-assess your team and ask THEM what tools they might be lacking.
    9. Build Your Team – Encourage mentoring, discussion groups and internal focus groups. Allow your team to support one another and to become part of the solution.  
    10. Synergy = Energy – Encourage your team to reach out across lines internally and externally for innovative ideas and solutions. If your organization is not up to snuff on "social networking," i.e., LinkedIn, Facebook, MySpace, etc., you had better get with the program.  I can assure you, it is not going away.
    11. CELEBRATE! – Take every opportunity to celebrate success, be it company, team or individual. 


    Of all of the above, I think the last point is by far the most important. I have always been accused of being the ultimate optimist, but I truly believe that the bottom line to all of this comes down to each and every one of us focusing on the positive and not the negative. In spite of everything, we still live in an AWESOME country with AWESOME opportunities.  Celebrate that every day!! 


    (Karen Pena is a National Account Manager for ConferenceDirect and is the Owner/President - Karen Pena Professionally Speaking.)