KCMPI 2009-2010 Committee Chairs and Volunteers Needed

KCMPI currently has openings for the following Committee positions:


Remember, you get the most out of your membership by being an ACTIVE member! Sign up now!


1) Program Committee
Works with committee members to create and coordinate monthly educational programs around an annual program theme. Helps establish monthly meeting schedule, format, topic, and select a lead and/or co-lead for each monthly program. Works with and assists program leads to select program format, topic and speaker. Works with the Strategic Alliance Chair to find appropriate host facilities. Sets monthly meeting time, communicates with committee and coordinates production of annual program brochure, flyer or postcards - depending on chapter needs.


Opening: Program Co-Chair - 2 positions


For more information, contact: Regine Scheck-Seberger / 913-422-4727 / rseberger@everestkc.net or Tricia Clement / 913-268-4466 / tclement@agendakansascity.com


2) Strategic Alliances/Fundraising Committee
Seeks out members and nonmembers (both locally and nationally) who wish to showcase their facilities and services to KCMPI members. Pairs these sponsors with the appropriate events to ensure the maximum impact for both parties. Works in conjunction with all committees by handling the tracking and/or the processing of all sponsorship requests, to ensure uniformity and the accurate recording of all donations.


Opening: Strategic Alliance Chair - 1 position

Opening: Fundraising Chair - 1 position


For more information, contact: Lorie Scott, CMP / 913-324-4118 / lscott@helmsbriscoe.com or Kara Brady / 913-907-2952 / kbrady@greatwolf.com

3) Golf Tournament Committee
Coordinates and plans the KCMPI Annual Golf Tournament. Handles golf course selection, sponsorship recruiting, promotions and day-of-event responsibilities.

Opening: Golf Committee Co-Chair - 1 position

For more information, contact: Janice McClain, CMP (Golf Committee Chair) / 816-430-8876 / jmmcclain@earthlink.net.

4) Public Relations Committee

Creates and distributes monthly media releases to local, regional and national media on KCMPI activities and news; following up with media on issued releases; and initiating news stories in various publications. Position requires good written and communication skills. PR experience is an extra plus! This is a one-person committee.


Opening: PR Committee Chair - 1 position


For more information, contact: Karen Hoch / 816-531-4701 / karenh@ptpi.org


5) Social Networking Committee
Creates and solicits content for chapter LinkedIn group, Facebook group, Twitter accounts, KCMPI blog, etc., for KCMPI news and events. Works with Chapter VP of Communication and President to approve content. Should have a working knowledge of LinkedIn groups, Facebook groups and Twitter. Also responsible for positioning KCMPI with emerging new social media outlets as they become available. Brief updates should be made bi-weekly or more often. 


Opening: Social Networking Chair - 1 position


For more information, contact: Lori Turec / 913-754-3418 / lturec@fivestarspeakers.com


6) E-Newsletter Committee

Compiles articles and pictures from members to include in newsletter content. Input content and format articles to present in each zone of the newsletter. Follow up to ensure that all information is correct, including sponsors. Obtain an updated KCMPI member list to distribute the newsletter. Proofread all content going into the newsletter and edit where necessary. Plan to release the newsletter every two months, and coordinate with the co-chair for the deadline of the next article submissions. Editing experience is a plus!


Opening: E-Newsletter Co-Chair - 1 position


For more information, contact: Karen Hoch / 816-531-4701 / karenh@ptpi.org



7) All other Committees: Volunteers are always welcome and needed.


For a complete list of all the committees that you can be involved in, and what they do, click on the following link: http://www.kcmpi.org/html/about_kcmpi/committees.html or see listing below: