President's Message


Dear KCMPI Family:

This is a time of great change. Our global economy is facing challenges unforeseen since the last century. For the first-time in history Americans have elected an African-American to lead us as president for the next four years. In some way, each of us is affected by the state of affairs in our country and around the world. 


As President of KCMPI, I have asked myself how I can help you during this time. What can we as an organization offer that will help shape your future? How can we prepare you better for future career opportunities?  


One solution is quite simple. Stay involved with KCMPI. In order to reap the benefits of your membership, I ask of you the following:



Below is a quick synopsis of your KCMPI Membership Benefits and Services. If you have any questions, please contact myself or one of our Board Members. We are happy to help you however we can.


What are your KCMPI Membership Benefits and Services
It's not just WHO you know in the meeting industry, it's WHAT you know.

"It is important in this profession to stay up to date and on top of all of the new

trends, be able to communicate to each generation and constantly evolve. "

By being a part of the industry's premier educational, technological and peer interaction resource, you'll stay on the cutting edge of today's constantly changing and challenging meeting environment.

KCMPI provides more ways than ever to enhance your professional development and the ability to be cost conscious through


Let's work together to "Build a rich global meeting industry community!"





Vickie Brawley

KCMPI, President