Meet KCMPI Supplier:


Kristy L. Mathes

Corporate Event Services

George Fern Co,


Job description:

I work for a full-service event and trade show company. My role is to sell event programs and manage them from start to finish. I am an internal liaison that coordinates the fulfillment process from ideation through to execution and on to billing. I work closely with clients on creating event experiences and often actively participate in the physical construction of event sets. I'm responsible for budget development, event documentation, staffing, billing and overall execution of assigned accounts/events as well as on-site lead manager for assigned events. I'm also the liaison between the client and other Groups within Division. I know the department very well and provide input on improving business practices for Division. My job is the kind where I may be in a suit presenting concepts to clients one day and in jeans setting up an event the next. I am also the lead on many marketing and organization initiatives. I have tenure, special management/staff responsibilities and special skills.


Years involved in KCMPI:
Currently in my first year with KCMPI.


KCMPI committees I have served on:
I recently accepted the position of Chair of Strategic Alliance.


What I enjoy best about the hospitality industry:
Knowing that every day, every event is going to be different, present new challenges, keeps me on my toes. The people in the industry are wonderful, very open and willing to network.


Activities I enjoy outside of work:
I am an ambassador for HALO, Helping Art Liberate Orphans, a non-profit organization providing for eight orphanages across the globe. I truly enjoy working with the volunteers on producing new fundraisers/events, knowing that we are helping out children's future with clothing, food, education and art. I also love to travel, try new experiences in new cities and revisit old treasures in familiar cities.