Are you interested in sitting for the Jan. 10, 2009 CMP exam? Then you won't want to miss out on a great benefit of being a KMCPI member – our CMP study group instructed by Dan Veglahn, CMP, Lorie Scott, CMP and Janet Ranallo, CMP. An informational and organizational meeting was held on Aug. 11. It still is not too late to participate though! For additional information contact:

Dan Veglahn, CMP: or 816-472-1396
Lorie Scott, CMP: or 913-324-4118
Janet Ranallo, CMP:

You can download the CMP Application and Handbook from for free! The submission deadline is Aug. 20, 2008.

Another CMP Resource: MPI just announced its Online Study Guide. This is a new study aid to guide CMP exam preparation. Designed with busy schedules in mind, the Study Guide efficiently assists in the preparation of an effective study plan.

Created in partnership with Arizona State University, and brought to you by the MPI Foundation and Wyndham Hotel Group, the Study Guide provides a practical framework for approaching an important career milestone.

View the five minute preview presentation to learn more: CMP Study Guide Preview