President's Message

Dear Friends:
In our last newsletter issue I posed two statements for you to complete and received only one response from valued member Gwen Knight CMP. I wanted to share her comments with you so as that you may pause to considerwhat your membership means to you and what the chapter can add to make your membership more valuable.   


1) “The value of my KCMPI membership means to me________” 


‘I'm proud to be part of an exceptional, supportive, reputable association like KCMPI. In addition to being recognized by our industry, we are considered a leading organization in our community.   


When our personal lives become intertwined with our meeting planning careers, it's good to have peers and suppliers you can turn to for encouragement, education and recognition.’ 


 2) “KCMPI could increase my membership value by ______________.” 


 ‘Have longer (half-day or full-day) sessions that make my four-hour drive worthwhile. Barbara Dunn's session was TOPS. And having the Melting Pot reception the night prior was a double wammy. And since I'll be coming from out of town, it would be nice to have a planner rate at the hosting hotel (or another hotel nearby) that makes the trip more affordable and appealing. As I talk with other planners from outside KC, I realize that time and travel expenses are a struggle for most.’   


As we start the second half of the 2007-08 year, indulge me as I continue to reflect on and wonder about the ROI we provide to our members. Some benefits are obvious, while others might be new thoughts for you to ponder. 


Here is a quick list of benefits from MPI headquarters' Web site and also for being a member of KCMPI. This is just a sampling, as I could go on and on with the list.


ü      Certification Programs 

ü      International Educational Conferences 

ü      Institutes and ROI Educational Programs 

ü      The Meeting Professional Magazine 

ü      “Web Community” on International Site 

ü      Research on Latest Trends and White Papers 

ü      Scholarships for Members 

ü      Platinum Series Speaker Program 

ü      Member Affinity/Discount Programs 

ü      Job Bank 

ü      Peer-to-Peer Assistance 

ü      Membership Directory – International and Chapter Levels 

ü      Chapter Leadership Opportunities  

ü      International Leadership Opportunities 

ü      KCMPI Monthly Education Programs 

ü      KCMPI Professional Education Conference (EdCon) 

ü      Networking 

ü      Lifelong Friendships 

ü      Professional Development 

ü      Business Contacts 

ü      Professional Awards & Recognition 

ü      Creative Outlet to Expand Knowledge Beyond Meeting Planning 

ü      Pride in yourself and your profession 


THE one important fact is that in order to really take advantage of the benefits, you, amember, need to be INVOLVED in your membership either on a personal (by attending the great programs) or chapter level (becoming active on a committee or board). If you don’t participate, the ROI won’t be waiting for you in your inbox. 


I understand that we all lead very busy lives, but all you have to do is ask your board members what benefits KCMPI has provided them, and we’ll change your outlook. 


For our supplier members in the KC area, I understand that it is hard for you at times to account for any real financial ROI from planner members. From my own experience, I can’t count the number of calls and e-mails I get from planners outside the KC area who ask for my recommendations on whom they should use here in town, from airport transfers to local production companies, hotels, etc. The fact is that planner members are supporters of our own supplier members in more than just actual dollar amounts. 


In closing, I want to share with you a quote from the book “The Secret” by Rhonda Byrne. The quote is from Dr. John Demartini – 


“Even though you say we have lack, it’s because we don’t open up our vision and see all of what is around us.” 


Your friend,
Inge Hafkemeyer