Open Up!

As a meeting professional, I can easily slip into full control mode, thinking I know what will work and what won’t work in every situation because I’ve been doing this for nearly 2 decades. Early in my career I didn’t know much and was open to any and all ideas. I grew and learned with that approach. Recently I made a conscious decision to go back into that early career open mindset in my business life and then it quickly spread to my overall life.

Here’s what happened:

I felt vulnerable by admitting I don’t know everything, that there are other possibilities to explore. I stepped out of my comfort zone and opened my mind to all sorts of new experiences.

I am refreshed by letting go of control and I found that being open minded put me in a much better mood and I’m less stressed. Saying – "I’ll give it a try" instead of thinking negatively made me a much happier person overall.

My creativity soared! I started listening to different music and talk radio than just the pop music station. I have tried foods I never thought I would. I’ve accepted more invitations and met new friends. I even drove to work a different way every day for a week.

I’m changed forever. My co-workers and higher-ups have noticed my new flexibility and energy and I feel much more satisfied across my life.

Shortly after I embraced the open-mindedness attitude I received an e-mail from KCMPI about the need for volunteers for various committees. I responded and now I’m co-editor of the newsletter! It’s taken me a little out of my comfort zone, but I’ve learned new skills and here I am writing my first ever Editor’s Note!

Hope you find something in this newsletter that strikes you to open your mind and inspires you to give something new a try!

Caprice Caster, CMP
Director of Events & Promotions
Automotive Parts Associates