KCMPI and PCMA Host Joint Program in July

Creating Brain Friendly Conferences by Jeff Hurt

The program's six key points:
1. Talking Trumps Listening
2. Meaning Trumps Content
3. Safety Trumps Learning
4. Chunking Content Trumps Information Dumps
5. Different Trumps Same
6. Patterns Trumps New Information

The Doubletree Hotel by Hilton in Overland Park, Kansas, also did a fantastic job with the post meeting reception, which was held on its outdoor deck and provided the perfect setting for great networking matched with comfortable weather, refreshing beverages and delicious hors d'oeuvres.

Thank you to Linda Waltz, sales manager, and Francie Merlo, director of convention services, for hosting the joint meeting! 

For additional information on the program topic, Jeff Hurt can be reached at jeffhurt@velvetchainsaw.com.