Ignite the Fire!

Dear KCMPI Members and Friends,

It is with great honor that I step into my role as the 2013-2014 KCMPI President.   

Over my time as a member of KCMPI, I have found that there are a variety of reasons that people join the organization. Some members want to meet new people or stay connected to the ever-changing industry trends. Sometimes it is at the urging of their employer; other times it is just for the connection to the MPI brand name. 

In 2007, I joined MPI to make connections to people in the community and continue to expand my knowledge of the industry in which I was establishing my career. With the focus on education at the local and international level, MPI seemed like the perfect fit. I knew that my personal growth would not come without involvement. I joined the Programs Committee, was appointed chair and subsequently was nominated to join the Board. I was able to fulfill the requirements needed to sit for the CMP exam, gain experience while working on the board of a small company, connect with clients and vendors, and grow as a person. I have found mentors and friends through the connections that I have made. These relationships have helped to mold me into the person that I am today. Thank you!

In 2012-2013, the focus of our Board was on the members. The Board created new events to get members involved, implemented new ways  to acknowledge the people who work so hard throughout the year, streamlined Chapter-level correspondence by sending out monthly KCMPI Connections, and offered new opportunities for Chapter fundraising.

We need to build on the foundation that has been set. We need to remain focused on our members while utilizing the feedback we receive in order to give our members what they want out of their membership. The incoming Board has a strong desire to take the Chapter to the next level. It only takes an ember to get the fire going. Help us ignite the fire. We need your involvement, your time, your ideas, your passion. We want more of the members to have the passion and involvement that many of you already exhibit. Help us to make OUR KCMPI Chapter THE MPI Chapter.  


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In hospitality,

Tricia Clement, CMP
KCMPI Chapter President, 2013-2014