New Members, New Ideas

 Greetings fellow KCMPI Members!

"In the realm of ideas everything depends on enthusiasm... in the real world all rests on perseverance." — Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

A great quote is always a good source of inspiration to me when thinking of what to write about in the Editor's Notes section. I am one of the privileged few that get to read (and edit) the profiles of our featured Planner/Supplier and New Members before they are released to the general membership. What always strikes me is how much enthusiasm these members feel --- for their selected professions, anticipated involvement with MPI and KCMPI, and for their personal hobbies/passions! I also see the enthusiasm in the photos that come with these profiles. New members mean new ideas. Let us then welcome and encourage each other to be involved as we strive thru various Committees to achieve the missions of KCMPI.

In addition, I am sending out an invitation to the entire membership to try your hand at writing on any topic of your choice. We want to read about your viewpoints, learn of new information, and feature the diversity of our membership.

As Dawson Trotman said,"Thoughts disentangle themselves when they pass through your fingertips." So let your fingers do the talking (and writing)!

Have a great Spring (when it arrives) everyone and see you in our June issue!




Maria R. Davis, CMP
KCMPI e-Newsletter Chair
Sales Manager