Certified Meeting Professional Exam and Study Group Updates

By Lorie L. Salts, CMP

The application deadline for the second quarter 2013 examination period is February 12, 2013. The KCMPI Study Group will host the CMP Informational meeting on Thursday, January 10th (Location TBD) in order to provide valuable data and application completion assistance.

The CMP Study Group Leaders are excited to announce the next informational meeting will be held (at a location still to be determined) on Thursday, January 10th, 2013, at 4:30pm.

For those that enroll in the study group we will provide a lesson plan for the 2nd and 3rd Quarter 2013 testing dates. Please RSVP to Lorie Salts, CMP, 913-735-5073 or lsalts@helmsbriscoe.com or Diane Miller, CMP, 913-577-0613 or dmiller@nazarene.org to let us know of your intent to attend the informational meeting.

Participation in the KCMPI CMP Study Group is $50.00 for MPI members and $100.00 for non-MPI members.

The Convention Industry Council will provide four (4) nine day examination periods each year for those interested in obtaining their CMP designation. The local MPI chapter hosts two study groups annually and everyone is welcome to participate. Not only does the group provide focused study guidelines and lesson plans, but also application completion assistance.