CMP Study Groups for the November Test!

Excitement and hard-work is just starting for the group of candidates who are studying to obtain their CMP designation through the Convention Industry Council.    With the introduction of Computer Based Testing (see related article in this month’s KCMPI newsletter) eleven event professionals intend to take the CMP exam in November 2012 or February 2013.

The KCMPI CMP Study Group meets for 8 sessions bi-annually in order to prepare students for this industry designation.  Each semester the students are also provided the opportunity to take a mock exam that closely simulates the actual exam.  Changes are being reviewed to this process to see if locally we can provide the mock exam via the computer versus paper based.

The current session is being hosted by K-State Olathe.  This innovative facility allows for not only the locals to participate but their conference calling capabilities has provided the same opportunity for CMP candidates from Wichita, Kansas and Springfield, Missouri. 

If you are interested in finding out about the next scheduled study group please contact either of the CMP Study Group Leaders:  Lorie Salts, CMP, HelmsBriscoe, 913-499-8620 or or Diane Miller, CMP, Church of the Nazarene, 913-577-0613.