I am a member of KCMPI and this is my Chapter!

Dear KCMPI Members,

It is an honor and privilege to be named 2012-2013 President of KCMPI.

When I joined this chapter as a member 5 years ago, I was looking for an organization that would provide me with great networking opportunities. KCMPI has given me this and much more. I have met so many wonderful people across the meetings industry, and I’ve learned a great deal from the unique experience each of you brings to the table. You are the people that I have come to rely on to help me solve problems or see things in a new way. Many of our relationships have grown into friendships that I treasure. And each of you has made my membership in KCMPI a wealth of both professional and personal growth, and I am truly grateful for it.

Over the years, my role with KCMPI has changed many times.
I have served on committees and the board, and so now I’m thrilled to have another chance to contribute as President. But my primary role and responsibility continues to be as a member. KCMPI is first and foremost a membership organization. We come together as individuals to share and learn, but our active participation determines the success of our events and initiatives. When each of us owns his or her membership, and comes together as a group, we create something that is truly greater than the sum of its parts. We create a community.

That’s why the 2012-2013 Board of Directors mission will be refocused on members. As members we have played a role in the success of the first thirty years, and as members we alone will determine the success of the next thirty years. So I challenge you to own your membership. Participate and engage and make this your chapter.

I am a member of KCMPI and this is my chapter!

In hospitality,

Kara Brady
2012 - 13 President - KCMPI

Konover Hotel Corporation

1931 Prairie Crossing

Kansas City, KS 66111
Direct: 913-907-1954
Fax: 913-328-1042