I bet you did not know that KCMPI is a small business with an operating budget of $260,000 per year...

You pay $325-$450 per year in annual dues. The chapter gets back up to 25% of that or $81.25 - $112.50 per member.

Of that 25% listed above the chapter must use:

This means that ZERO ($0) of your money comes back to the chapter for normal operating expenses, which includes:

What does pay for these items?

How can you help the chapter to be fiscally responsible?

Note that the budget numbers listed above include in-kind donations.

It is all of our responsibility to support the chapter’s fiscal needs. The Board of Directors understands the challenges we are all going through and encourages you to participate at any and all levels that you are able. Our membership is open to work with you on what you can give to the chapter via volunteering, in-kind donations or cash sponsorships.

Please reach out to me if you have an interesting idea to raise funds for the chapter.

In hospitality,

Shana Hoy, CMP
2011-12 President - KCMPI

4801 Main Street, Suite 1000
Kansas City, MO 64112
Direct:  816-983-8809
Fax:  816-983-8080