Looking to Connect...We Want You!

Volunteering with a KCMPI committee is a great way to connect with fellow meeting professional colleagues and add to your professional development portfolio. Our featured area is Membership. 

Current open leadership opportunities within Membership are Chair of the Member Retention Committee and Chair of the Scholarship Committee.

The Member Retention Committee develops and implements an incentive program to members; and ensures members are recognized on their anniversaries in the KCMPI newsletter and at the monthly meeting.

The Scholarship Committee oversees the Chapter scholarships program, including setting the criteria for eligibility, promoting the program and selecting recipients.

 If interested in either chair positions or serving on any of the membership committees, please contact Tricia Clement, CMP at tclement@agendausa.com or 913.268.4466.

If interested in serving on any KCMPI committee, please contact Andrea Heldt Coates, Director of the Leadership Committee, at eventdevelopmentinc@gmail.com.