Reflections from ISTAT Americas 2017

Family. Dreams. Doubt. Expansion. Uncertainty. The aviation industry and the world at-large changed in huge ways in 2016, but hope kept spirits high during ISTAT Americas 2017 in San Diego, California. ISTAT Americas brought a massive crowd of more than 1,900 attendees, a signaling of both ISTAT and the industry’s growth.

One of the biggest questions of the conference was how the United States would adjust to the new leadership. Adam Pilarski, Ph.D, senior vice president, consulting, AVITAS, Inc., explored this topic during the Keynote Address, saying the "Make America Great Again" campaign slogan is an internal call-to-arms and not a pledge to make the country great as the top world leader.

"The U.S. has been sacrificing efficiency for quality, and now I wonder if the country can be run as a business," Pilarski said. "If America will not lead the world, who will?"

Pilarski also predicted bigger deficits and a decrease in airline profitability, but he advised attendees to anticipate rising inflation and disregard rumors of an incoming worldwide trade war.

Other panels juxtaposed leasing, OEM, airline, finance and other industry updates with the shifting government and economic tides, as John Leahy, chief operating officer – customers, Airbus, announced a growing backlog of airplanes and Randy Tinseth, vice president of marketing, Boeing Commercial Airplanes, urged for open borders to allow the industry to flourish.

Beyond the sessions, Marc S. Allinson, executive director, Charlotte Parker Associates, passed the torch of ISTAT president to Doug Runte, managing director & head of aviation research, Deutsche Bank, in a teary-eyed address that received a standing ovation. "We are all family in this industry," Allinson said.

Look for more ISTAT Americas coverage in the Summer edition of Jetrader.

Presentations and photos from ISTAT Americas are now available via the ISTAT mobile app and the ISTAT website.