Air Transport World Publisher Bill Freeman Retires After 37 Years at ATW

Freeman has been ATW’s Publisher for the past 16 years, and has served as Group Publisher - Commercial Aviation at Penton since 2007. In addition to leading ATW, he has led such brands as SpeedNews and the MRO Edition of Aviation Week & Space Technology.
Freeman led ATW’s successful expansion from a monthly magazine to the leading multichannel brand delivering print, digital, data, event content, and marketing services for the global airline industry. Under his tenure, ATW launched one of Penton’s first websites, and the ATW Airline Industry Achievement Awards expanded to become the industry’s premier competition and gathering of legends and leaders.

Prior to joining ATW, Freeman worked in advertising sales for The Dallas Times Herald.  He received bachelor’s degrees in business and journalism from Southern Methodist University in Dallas, TX.
Freeman can be contacted at