IPRA Today

Illinois Park and Recreation


I want to thank you for your involvement in IPRA. I have enjoyed my time and experience as IPRA’s executive director. I consider just about everyone I have met during my time at IPRA as not only colleagues, but friends. I look forward to working with each of you in my new role. While the time was short, the experience was remarkable.  

Each of you has a very important job ahead to ensure you strengthen leadership and increase knowledge to better serve your community.  I urge you to stay abreast of trends in the industry and constantly refine your skills. These commitments will set you apart. Developing a strong network of professionals at all levels will also serve you well as you fulfill commitments for today and prepare for future endeavors.

For all of our members involved in IPRA sections or committees, I encourage you to stay focused on the end goal and support the agency’s tag line:  Learn. Connect. Inspire.  You are working on some key initiatives that will help your professional association grow stronger.  I am happy to help in any way possible, so please do not hesitate to call if you need assistance.

The association is on the right path and I look forward to seeing it continue to excel with your leadership and involvement.

Thanks again for all you do!
Jan R. Arnold

Have some fun and help promote park districts, forest preserves, conservation, recreation and special recreation agencies by volunteering to assist with this special day.

Click here for Volunteer Form

Click here for Entertainment Form

There is now an online survey for your agency to complete. It includes 52 primarily yes or no questions. Each must be answered. A point value is assigned to each question for committees to use when your input is tallied. If the committee feels a need for documentation, your agency will be notified prior to any final decision.

Your agency can apply for this award by clicking here. The application fee is $25, and the survey must be completed by Dec. 1, 2012. Once your agency has applied, the contact person will receive an email confirmation and a link to the online survey. Lori Neubauer, chairperson of the IPRA Health and Wellness Committee, will contact your agency to discuss the process and answer any questions.

Agencies that meet the criteria will receive the Exceptional Workplace Award at the 2013 IAPD/IPRA Annual Conference, during the IPRA business meeting.

Please contact Lori Neubauer, Itasca Park District, with any questions.
Founded in 1965, the Gold Medal Awards program honors communities in the U.S. that demonstrate excellence in parks and recreation through long-range planning, resource management, volunteerism, environmental stewardship, program development, professional development and agency recognition. Applications are separated into five classes based on population. This year, the Gold Medal Award is expanding to include a new category for armed forces recreation communities. This category will recognize the contributions of military recreation providers and the work they do among service members, their families, retirees, reservists, civilian employees and local communities.

For the list of finalists, please click here!
Don't forget - Leadership Academy applications are due June 1, click here for details!

Saturday Day Camp Workshop - 6/2
1-5 PM

Innovation Renovation Workshop - People, Purpose, Passion - 6/8
Oak Brook Park District; Central Park West
9 AM-3 PM

WEBINAR: Myths & Fallacies of Native Plantings - 6/13
10-11:30 AM

Webinar: A Call To Action - Parks & Recreation Can Change the Way Society Ages - 6/27
10-11 AM

Financial Intelligence (Oak Brook, IL) - 7/10
Oak Brook Park District; Central Park West
9 AM-1 PM

Financial Intelligence (Mt. Vernon, IL) - 7/17
Mt Vernon - Rolland W Lewis Community Building
9 AM-1 PM

Financial Intelligence (Normal, IL) - 7/24
The Den at Fox Creek Golf Course (Normal, IL)
9 AM-1 PM
Six County Senior Olympics 2012 - 7/9-7/26
Park Ridge & neighboring communities

Teen Camp Olympics - 7/18
Lisle Park District
10 AM-2 PM

Chicago White Sox vs. Minnesota Twins - 7/25
US Cellular Field
1:05-4 PM

Lifeguard Games - 8/4
4-9 PM
Here are some of the most recent job posts - to view the complete listing, click here!
  • Recreation Director, Village of Palos Park
  • Equipment Operator, Tinley Park-Park District
  • Leisure Center Manager, Northbrook Park District
  • Fitness Assistant Manager, Wilmette Park District

The district was a finalist in the population category of 25,001-50,000 residents. Other finalists included the Town of Castle Rock Parks and Recreation Department in Colorado, the Town of Leesburg Parks and Recreation Department in Virginia and West Bend Parks, Recreation and Forestry in Wisconsin.

Ray Ochromowicz, park district director, said, "The park district is honored to be a Gold Medal Award finalist and to be viewed nationally as a leader in the park and recreation field. Our agency won the award in 1998 and we have been a seven-time finalist over the years. Receiving this national recognition and acclaim is a tribute to the Board of Park Commissioners, the entire staff and the residents of our community. This continual recognition as a finalist is a testimony to the hard work and dedication of many."

The honor is presented by the American Academy for Park and Recreation Administration (AAPRA) in partnership with the National Recreation and Park Association (NRPA) and Musco Lighting LLC. Agencies are judged on their ability to address the needs of those they serve through the collective energies of citizens, staff and elected officials. Four finalists in each class are chosen to compete for grand honors each year.

A panel of five park and recreation professionals reviews and judges all application materials. Judges are chosen for their considerable experience and knowledge in parks and recreation on both the local and national levels. This year’s finalists will compete for Grand Plaque Award honors this summer, and the six Grand Plaque recipients will be announced live during NRPA’s Annual Congress & Exposition in Anaheim, Calif., on Oct. 16-18.

Founded in 1965, the Gold Medal Awards program honors communities in the U.S. that demonstrate excellence in parks and recreation through long-range planning, resource management, volunteerism, environmental stewardship, program development, professional development and agency recognition. Applications are separated into five classes based on population. This year, the Gold Medal Award is expanding to include a new category for armed forces recreation communities. This category will recognize the contributions of military recreation providers and the work they do among service members, their families, retirees, reservists, civilian employees and local communities.

Administration & Finance Section Meeting & Business Manager Discussion - 6/6
Bartlett Park District (TBD)
9:30 AM-Noon Register

Environmental Committee Meeting - 6/6
Wetlands Discovery Center
Noon-3 PM Register

Therapeutic Recreation Section Meeting 6/7
9 AM-Noon
WT Engineering
Wintrust Financial
Ancel, Glink, Diamond, Bush, DiCianni & Rolek, P.C.