February 4, 2016: ESSA and Early Learning: Policy Opportunities for States

The new Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) puts a greater focus on supporting children in their earliest years. For example, it includes a preschool development grant program aimed at strengthening state-level collaborations and broadening access to high-quality early learning to help ensure smooth preschool-to-kindergarten transitions for children.

Join NASBE for a webinar on key ESSA provisions that support quality in early childhood education and their implications for state policymaking in early learning. Drawing from the recent report From Crawling to Walking: Ranking States on Birth-3rd Grade Policies That Support Strong Readers, early education experts Laura Bornfreund from New America and Sarah Rittling of the First Five Years Fund will discuss the current landscape of state policies in early literacy and what states can do to boost early learning outcomes under the new law.

Click here to register.

Institute Of International Education