State Department Scholarships for High School Study Abroad

The U.S. Department of State recently announced scholarships for American high school students to study abroad. Applications are now being accepted for the following study abroad programs for U.S. high school students: 
These merit-based scholarships include international airfare, tuition, and program costs, as well as meals and living accommodations (often with a host family). The programs have no language prerequisites, and gap year students are encouraged to apply as long as they meet the age requirements. Visit the program websites or the U.S. Department of State Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs Exchange Programs website for specific information and application deadlines.

To receive printed brochures and/or posters about study abroad opportunities to share with your students, send an email with your request to
For information on having an international experience without leaving home, consider hosting a Department of State-sponsored exchange student. Click here to learn more.

Institute Of International Education