September 24, 2015: Understanding and Integrating the 4Cs in your Classroom: What Does the Research Say?

What does research tell us about implementing the 4Cs - Communication, Collaboration, Critical Thinking, and Creativity - in the classroom?
The 4Cs form the heart of P21’s Framework for 21st Century Learning, used by hundreds of schools around the country. For over a decade, P21 has been developing free resources for educators to embed 21st century learning and build 21st century learning communities for the success of every student.
Join us for this webinar presented by P21, the Partnership for 21st Century Learning on the release of their 4Cs Research Brief Series. The webinar will summarize the research findings in plain language that any educator can use to boost their practice. Educators will get fresh ideas and recommendations on how best to integrate the most essential 21st century learning skills for students.
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Institute Of International Education