June 26, 2014: Predictors of Postsecondary Success: Understanding the Value of Workforce Data

As part of our series building on the brief, Predictors of Postsecondary Success, which summarizes research that identifies student skills, behaviors, and other characteristics that predict future academic and workplace success, this webinar will provide an overview of workforce data and their utility for guiding instructional planning and delivery. Presenters will discuss the opportunities, trends, and benefits and challenges in building connections between workforce and education data.  Sponored by the College and Career Readiness and Success Center at AIR and AYPF.

Presenters include:
Rachel Zinn, Director, Workforce Data Quality Campaign
Josh Hawley, Director of the Ohio Education Research Center
Bill Hurwitch, Director, Statewide Longitudinal Data System, Maine Department of Education

To register for the webinar: www1.gotomeeting.com/register/926256112 

Institute Of International Education